Introduction About Myself

Hello! My name is Jaeho. I like soccer and bass guitar.

My bass career

When I came to Canada, I started playing the electric bass. I chose bass because I play the guitar and I thought it would be similar to the guitar. I joined junior concert band in grade 7. I like it. In grade 8, I still played bass. I joined senior concert band and I joined the jazz band as well. Throughout the year my music teacher encouraged me to join the OCDSB gr.8 all star jazz band. I auditioned and I made it. It was challenging but it was fun. The next year, I joined junior concert band and the jazz band. And I joined another band called Ottawa Junior Jazz Band. It was challenging but I have improved and it was fun. I also started upright bass in grade 9. In grade 10 I joined senior concert band and I joined the pit band. I am still in the Ottawa Junior Jazz band and I'm having fun. So this is my bass career so far.

Image from Zoonar


One of the hobbies that I love is soccer. I played soccer since I was very young and I find soccer very fun. The club I support is called FC Barcelona. They are one of the best soccer team in the world.

Image from keyword-suggestions